Forum Super Tips
Written by Harvey Segal
a FREE eBook
Brought to you by RichardPresents.com


Every day hundreds of thousands of people visit the online forums and make postings. Many are trying to promote their site but are using ineffective methods.

And yet it is possible for anyone to profit from posting at forums - even newbies.

There are ways to find exactly what forum visitors are looking for and to quickly create a money making resource which will turn every posting into a profitable venture.

If you could put all this information in a book with affiliate links - and give it away FREE -  you would have a winner.


But you don't have
 to write the book.

It's already written!
waiting for you
to customize
with your own
affiliate links.

Here are some of the Things You'll Learn


● how to find exactly what forum visitors are 
    looking for

how to quickly create a resource that will answer their
● how to make superior postings to get people to
    visit  your resource
how to search for forums on any topic
the best Internet Marketing forums
why even a non-performing forum can be profitable

● and a lot more


    How can you benefit from this FREE eBook?

● Learn the 4 Major reasons why people use forums

Learn how to run a keyword search to find the best
   forum associated with your topic

Learn how this book can increase traffic to your site 
   and newsletter

Learn How to turn each posting into a profitable

The potential audience for this ebook is vast. How can you profit ?
You can have your own customized copy of this book to include your own affiliate links


Download your
Forum Super Tips

Don't wait,
 get started making money - participate
in forums today


A confession from Richard...
For years, we followed forums, participating in some... lurking in many more, but never fully taking advantage of the potential for learning, problem solving, meeting others with similar interests, and now profiting from them.

Forums contain a Gold Mine of opportunity if you know how to mine for it.

Harvey Segal's eBook has made that possible for us. If you download it now, it could quickly do the same for you.


Please don't put this off ... get your free eBook
    now. Thank you,


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