Popular additions for your Greenhouse Library

Greenhouse Gardener's Companion - From Library Journal
The director of Cheyenne Botanic Gardens and author of The Bountiful Solar Greenhouse has produced a practical, comprehensive guide to making the most of any greenhouse or garden room. Addressing almost every aspect except the actual construction, Smith covers the greenhouse environment (light, humidity, temperature), interior design (plant placement, fans, drainage), individual plants and their propagation, pollination, growth, and scheduling for flower or fruit production. There are chapters on problems, diseases, and insects, and lists of associations, mail-order suppliers, and sun averages during the year across the country. As a Wyoming gardener, he puts a good deal of emphasis on using the greenhouse in summer as well as in winter, but this is a useful, practical guide for readers in most of the continental United States.

 In Your Greenhouse: A Beginner's Guide (Paperback)
by Greta Heinen (Author) "Discovering the enjoyment of outdoor gardening or being successful with specialty plants in the house often leads one to consider a hobby greenhouse...

The Vegetable Gardener's Bible -
From Publishers Weekly
A committed organic gardener, Smith is a proponent of staggered planting in raised, wide and deep beds that provide conductive root systems and produce abundant harvests. He explains his system, from optimum siting and soil preparation (he prefers broad-forking over rototilling or double-digging) to companion planting and compost ("The path to the garden of your dreams leads right through the middle of a compost pile"). For beginners, he takes the mystery out of such subjects as hardening off ("like a little boot camp for vegetables") and deciphering the shorthand used in seed catalogues.

The Seed Starter's Handbook -
From Publishers Weekly
In this revised and expanded version of The Seed-Starter's Handbook, gardening writer Bubel discusses starting seeds indoors, moving plants outdoors and saving seeds, then presents a lengthy "encyclopedia of plants to grow from seed" that describes the characteristics of dozens of flowers, vegetables and herbs. Bubel gives advice on the time-consuming process of growing plants from seeds in a writing style that is chatty and accessible. The reader will enjoy her enthusiasm and benefit from her thoroughness.
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