How to Write Motivating Poems

Writing motivating poems is simple and easy. If you don’t believe that then you probably need to read one or two of them yourself. Here are other tips to help you write a motivating poem.

Find a source of inspiration.
Inspiration can come from within but it can also be an external source. Either way is fine as long as it helps you think of good and happy thoughts.

Write freely and write from the heart.
Don’t think about what other people would say. Remember that you are writing for yourself and to make others happy. Concentrate on what your heart is telling you. Think about the things that make you happy and write about that. In writing motivating poems, the first things you should focus on are its content and message. Worry about grammar, rhyme, and the likes after and not before.

Be patient.
Writing a motivating poem is truly simple and easy, but there’s also the right time to do it. If no words seem to sound right then maybe you should give it a rest and get back to it when you’re feeling more inspired. Wait for your muse to come. Wait for Lady Luck to smile on you. The right time will come sooner and later and when it does, you’ll be surprised at fast you’ll be scribbling down those words.

Be flexible.
Motivating poems must not be rigid. Don’t begin your poem with strict, inflexible views on how it should be. Neither should you force your feelings to conform to your expectations. When you do that, it won’t end up a motivating poem. Remember: a poem can only motivate when it’s written by a person who’s motivated and with the intention to motivate.

Pray or meditate.
If you are a religious person, pray to God and He shall help you find the grace and strength you need to make a beautiful motivating poem. After all, there is no better source of inspiration than God Himself, is there?

Remember, however, that prayers are more effective when they’re two-way. Don’t spend the whole time talking to God, telling Him what He already knows and asking what He already intends to give. Part of praying also involves listening. This is harder than speaking to God because sometimes, we are blind and deaf to what God is telling us.

An alternative to praying is meditation. Meditating is more effective and easier to achieve if you’re in a room where you can be alone and be free from distractions. Start with a couple of breathing exercises, imagining all the while that every time you inhale, you take in peace and every time you exhale, you remove stress from your system.

Focus inwards and soon, your mind, heart, and soul will tell you whatever you need to know in order to make a motivating poem.

Take all criticism constructively.
When you are done writing your poem, leave it for a day or two then review it once more and see if you can think of something to revise. When you’re satisfied with your poem, have a loved one read it.

If they voice out certain concerns, remember that they are only doing so for your own good. Take criticism constructively; listen to what they have to say, learn from your mistakes, and make your poem better. And if you need more motivation and inspiration, look for your favorite poem and re-read it.



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