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Phantom Loads and Energy Saving

Most common household appliances are equipped with an on/off switch. Many people don't realize, however, that these appliances may still be consuming electricity even when they are switched off. These so-called "phantom loads" can consume a significant amount of electricity. If you are interested in reducing your energy costs, it is important to know about these phantom loads and e...
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Home Energy Savings Tips: Compact Fluorescent Lamps

Because electrical lighting consumes nearly 15% of a household's electricity use, you may wish to learn about some energy efficient lighting alternatives. Compact fluorescent lamps (CFLs) are one you should consider. Their design blends the energy efficiency of fluorescent lighting with the convenience and interchangeability of incandescent fixtures. CFLs will fit ne...
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Top 10 Energy Saving Tips to Cut Your Fuel Bills

If you use both gas and electricity in your home, your annual fuel bills will have risen by around £400 since 2003. This translates to an increase of around 50% in electricity prices and a massive 90% in gas prices across the UK. The good news is that you could cut the cost of these increases in half by being more energy efficient a...
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Home Energy Savings: New House Design and Energy Conservation

Consumers in North America are getting ready for the 2005 / 2006 winter season as we write this report and most are bracing themselves for larger energy bills during the coming winter heating season than past years. Recent spikes in energy costs for all types of energy including gasoline, heating oil, electricity and natural gas are causing many consumers t...
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Energy Saving Windows

Windows are one of the great energy-wasters of any house. About 25% of the total heat loss is from traditional double glazed sealed windows. New technology, however, has resulted in more efficient energy saving windows that can significantly cut down on heat loss. Heat loss is not the only concern with windows – they can also let in heat during summer weather. This can increas...
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Uncommon Energy Savings

Here are some easy things that you can do that will save energy. 1) Change time zones. That is, when possible, travel when others are less likely to be on the road. For example, avoid rush hour traffic by leaving an hour early. Then use this extra hour to read, plan your day, or add an little extra to your job. If your company allows flex time hours, this could allow you t... Continue Reading...

Jul-2019 02:14:41 UTC] PHP Notice: Undefined variable: DOCUMENT_ROOT in /home/nrichardpresents/public_html/Energy-Saving-Tips/Includes/Configure.php on line 186 [19-Jul-2019 02:14:41 UTC] PHP Notice: Undefined variable: DOCUMENT_ROOT in /home/nrichardpresents/public_html/Energy-Saving-Tips/Includes/Configure.php on line 186 [19-Jul-2019 02:14:41 UTC] PHP Notice: Undefined variable: no_google_ads in /home/nrichardpresents/public_html/Energy-Saving-Tips/Includes/Header.php on line 9 [19-Jul-2019 02:14:41 UTC] PHP Notice: Undefined variable: DOCUMENT_ROOT in /home/nrichardpresents/public_html/Energy-Saving-Tips/Includes/Configure.php on line 186 [19-Jul-2019 02:14:41 UTC] PHP Notice: Undefined variable: DOCUMENT_ROOT in /home/nrichardpresents/public_html/Energy-Saving-Tips/Includes/Configure.php on line 186 [19-Jul-2019 02:14:41 UTC] PHP Notice: Undefined variable: DOCUMENT_ROOT in /home/nrichardpresents/public_html/Energy-Saving-Tips/Includes/Configure.php on line 186 [19-Jul-2019 02:14:41 UTC] PHP Notice: Undefined variable: DOCUMENT_ROOT in /home/nrichardpresents/public_html/Energy-Saving-Tips/Includes/Configure.php on line 186 [19-Jul-2019 02:14:41 UTC] PHP Notice: Undefined variable: no_google_ads in /home/nrichardpresents/public_html/Energy-Saving-Tips/Includes/Footer.php on line 6 [19-Jul-2019 02:14:41 UTC] PHP Notice: Undefined variable: DOCUMENT_ROOT in /home/nrichardpresents/public_html/Energy-Saving-Tips/Includes/Configure.php on line 186 [19-Jul-2019 02:14:41 UTC] PHP Notice: Undefined variable: no_google_ads in /home/nrichardpresents/public_html/Energy-Saving-Tips/Includes/Menu.php on line 7 [19-Jul-2019 02:14:41 UTC] PHP Notice: Undefined variable: no_google_ads in /home/nrichardpresents/public_html/Energy-Saving-Tips/Includes/Menu.php on line 29 [19-Jul-2019 02:14:41 UTC] PHP Notice: Undefined variable: DOCUMENT_ROOT in /home/nrichardpresents/public_html/Energy-Saving-Tips/Includes/Configure.php on line 186 [19-Jul-2019 02:14:42 UTC] PHP Notice: 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