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Are Energy Saving Drapes Ugly?


You have no doubt heard about energy saving drapes, but at present do not have any in your home. Still, the idea of energy saving drapes is somewhat appealing. Before you make a decision, you may want to learn a little more about the drapes. Here are a few facts about energy saving drapes that may help you make your decision.

One of the main concerns is that energy saving drapes will look outdated or ugly. While it is true that you can buy all sorts of window treatments that are considering unappealing to one eye or another, you can rest assured that there are a number of patterns and styles of energy saving drapes to choose from. The odds are that you will be able to find several styles you like, with all the styles being available in both patterns and solids.

Perhaps one reason people tend to wonder about the esthetics of energy saving drapes is they have a vision of the foam-lined draperies that were popular in the middle twentieth century. These were often heave and plain in design, although quite varied in patterns. Certainly these did help some in keeping the hot out and the cool in. But today's energy saving drapes do not have to rely on the foam backing that would yellow and peel as time went on. Various fabric blends and even the dyes used in the drapery fabric help to perform the same function today, without the need for your window dressing to look heavy.

To get some ideas on the many styles and patterns for today's energy saving draperies, take a look at the home store nearest you. You may also want to log on to the Internet and browse around some of the online stores for decorating tips on using energy saving drapes in your home. You will be amazed at the variety you can find these days. Why not spend some time today and learn more about how energy saving drapes can not only help you save money but also be a nice decorating accent in any room?










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