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Saving Energy at Home


Energy Saving Lamps - Benefits and Drawbacks

What are Energy Saving Bulbs? Conventional filament bulbs (including halogens) give out less than 20% of the energy they use as light, the rest is heat. Thus, they are not efficient for the purpose for which t...
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How To Make Your Home More Energy Efficient

Making your home more energy efficient can save you a lot of money in the long run. One way to make a home more energy efficient is insulating the water pipes and the water heater. With the water heater it takes a bit of energy to heat up the water in your home. If you insulate th...
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Energy Saving Light Bulbs - The Sensible Alternative

The lights in an average household use about 20% of the total electricity, so anything that will reduce that power consumption will help lower your energy bill while cutting down on pollution. Fortunately, it’s easy to save energy on l...
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Running An Energy Efficient Household

With going “green” being the new global mantra, home-owners are increasingly switching to energy saving mechanisms to lower household costs. Household electronics and appliances are much more energy efficient than they were generations ago. However, the sheer increase in the number of appliances and gadgets in use across the country mean that energy saving still remains a priority ...
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Saving Energy - Saving Money

An easy way to save money is to conserve energy. Not only is it good for your wallet, it’s also good for the environment. Look for the ENERGY STAR logo. ENERGY STAR is a government-backed symbol for ...
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Drapes & Curtains = Style and Energy Savings

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Home Energy Savings Tips: Compact Fluorescent Lamps

Because electrical lighting consumes nearly 15% of a household's electricity use, you may wish to learn about some energy efficient lighting alternatives. Compact fluorescent lamps (CFLs) are one you should consider. Their design blends the energy efficiency of fluorescent lighting with the convenience and interchangeability of incandescent fixtures. CFLs will fit nearly any fixture designed fo... Continue Reading...


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