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Energy Saving Tips When Cooking


Energy saving tips can go a long way in showing you how to save money when you are cooking. To begin with if you are only cooking a small meal using your oven to cook it is a poor use of energy. It is far wiser to use a microwave or a crock pot if you can. This is especially true of a meal that requires a long time to simmer like a chili or a stew.

Crock pots are a great energy saver.

Always remember to defrost the meat you want to cook for dinner early in the day. This saves cooking time and so saves energy.

Other energy saving tips includes how you see your gas stove. If the flame is blue then you are using the stove efficiently, but if it is yellow the gas is not burning properly. It is therefore a good idea to have your gas company send someone out to look and see what the problem is.

When preheating your oven make certain you do it for a short time only. Energy saving tips will discourage this since it really is only necessary to preheat if you are baking bread or desserts like cookies or cakes.

Another way to make your oven use more efficient is to refrain from opening the oven door and constantly checking on the food you are making.

Every time you do this the heat dissipates. Other energy saving tips about oven use include how much to cook in an oven.

If you can make a double portion of the food you are cooking/ it is much more energy efficient to reheat the second portion than to cook the same smaller meal twice.

When cooking on top of the stove, make sure you are using the right pot or pan on the heating element. If the pans are eight inches wide but the element is ten inches wide you are wasting heat.

If you are nearly done cooking your meal, then turn off the heating element on an electric stove. The element will keep warm for a short while and you can finish cooking your meal while saving energy.

This will not work with a gas stove where turning off the gas means no heat.

Practicing these energy saving tips can reduce you energy bills while helping the environment.










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