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Energy Saving Home Plans Implement Energy Conservation


Finding energy saving home plans to make an environmentally better house is becoming more available to the average consumer at an affordable price. The philosophy when building these is now aimed at taking advantage of the weather conditions of the area and implementing measures to use them to the full advantage of the future homeowner. This means using the sun to provide at least part of the electric power the home requires through solar power as well as putting the windows in locations that will diminish air conditioning needs. At the same time they are still able to give the house’s owner a view to enjoy while keeping the windows at such an angle as to keep the glare under control.

Looking at the energy saving home plans you can see that the rooms are made to allow for lots of sunlight and so cut down on the use of electric lights. The sun shines in and keeps the number of hours necessary to use electricity down. But this is only the beginning, a good energy saving home plan will have many more things in place to build energy efficient homes to keep cost down and energy uses even further down.

Insulation methods continue to improve. Energy saving home plans will show that now instead of putting insulation between a sheet of pressboard and a sheet of gyperock the insulation comes in sheets called structural insulated panels. These are far superior in their insulation capabilities and will be a help in keeping down heating costs. They are also used as sheeting for the walls and so keep building costs down too.

Reflective metal roofs are another item used to diminish the heat that comes into a house when it is hot outside. The color of the roof is often light when used for this job but studies have shown that even dark metal roofs will serve this purpose. Heat pumps are being provided with every house to help get the costs of heating and cooling a home down. The average energy saving home plans include one or two of these with each house currently being built.










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